Cari Blog Ini
Isnin, 28 September 2009
Pengunjung ke 1000
Sabtu, 26 September 2009
Berita Baik Untuk Guru Permulaan
By Peter Boon
Jumaat, 25 September 2009
Penghayatan Berterusan
Khamis, 24 September 2009
Mahkamah tangguh kes Rasul Melayu, tertuduh berhasrat tukar pengakuan

SHAH ALAM: Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah di sini, menangguhkan kes Abdul Kahar Ahmad, 59, atau Rasul Melayu ke jam 2 petang ini, selepas tertuduh berhasrat menukar pengakuan kepada bersalah.
Abdul kahar menerusi surat yang difaks kepada pihak pendakwaan bertarikh 18 September, menyatakan hasrat untuk mengaku bersalah terhadap lima pertuduhan termasuk mengaku Rasul dan menghina agama islam.
Penangguhan ke petang ini bagi membolehkan pihak pendakwaan menyiapkan hujah.
Pihak pendakwaan juga akan menambah dengan memfailkan satu lagi tuduhan terbaru menjadikan enam tuduhan.
Bintang porno Jepun dalam filem Indonesia

JAKARTA 23 Sept. - Bintang porno Jepun, Maria Ozawa yang juga dikenali sebagai Miyabi bakal ditampilkan dalam sebuah filem komedi Indonesia tahun ini.
Bakal ditayangkan hujung tahun ini, filem bertajuk Menculik Miyabidijangka mampu mendapat sambutan ramai.
Skrip yang ditulis oleh bloggerRaditya Dika, filem komedi itu mengisahkan tentang seorang lelaki yang tergila-gilakan Miyabi dan bercadang menculiknya.
Penerbit filem itu, Odi Mulya Hidayat seperti yang dipetik portal berkata, syarikat penerbitan filem Maxima Pictures masih menjalankan beberapa urusan yang perlu untuk mendapatkan Miyabi
"Bukan mudah untuk mengundangnya ke sini dan kami perlu membayar jumlah yang banyak kepadanya untuk membintangi filem ini,'' katanya.
Bagaimanapun penonton-penonton lelaki tidak perlu terlalu teruja dengan imaginasi mereka kerana dalam filem Menculik Miyabi, dia hanya akan melakonkan watak yang tidak memerlukannya beraksi ghairah.
Miyabi mewarisi kecantikan daripada ibunya yang berketurunan Jepun dan bapanya yang berdarah Perancis-Kanada. Namanya mula menjadi sebutan sejak tampil dalam filem porno pada 2005. - Agensi
Perang Jiwa~War in Progress~
Rabu, 23 September 2009
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri..
Rabu, 16 September 2009
Contoh Lesson Plan @ Rancangan Pengajaran Harian (Kemahiran Hidup)
Rancangan Pengajaran Harian
Kemahiran Hidup Tahun 5 Merah
Tarikh | | |
Masa | 10.05 – 11.05 pagi | |
Tahun | 5 Merah | |
Bidang | Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi | |
Unit | 1.6 Jahitan | |
Topik | a. Membaiki pakaian | |
Hasil pembelajaran | · Mengenal pasti alatan dan bahan jahitan · Menyatakan kegunaan alatan jahitan · Mengenal pasti mata jahitan asas. · Menyatakan kegunaan jahitan asas. | |
Objektif | Pada akhir pembelajaran, murid dapat: 1. Menyenaraikan 3 jenis alatan dan bahan jahitan 2. Menyenaraikan 2 kegunaan alat jahitan 3. Menyatakan 2 jenis jahitan asas dan 2 kegunaannya. | |
Aktiviti P & P | 1. Murid berbincang dengan guru tentang jenis peralatan dan bahan jahitan yang biasa digunakan berpandukan bahan dan alat jahitan yang disediakan oleg guru. 2. Murid diterangkan oleh guru mengenai kegunaan alatan jahitan. 3. Murid diterangkan oleh guru tentang mata jahitan asas serta kegunaannya. | |
Strategi Pengajaran | Perbincangan dan Pemerhatian secara berkumpulan oleh para pelajar. | |
Jenis Pembelajaran | Pembelajaran berpusatkan kepada pelajar | |
Kemahiran Generik | Berfikir dan pemudahcaraan, Kemahiran menjana idea, Kemahiran komunikasi | |
Bahan Sumber P&P |
| |
Pengetahuan Sedia ada |
| |
Nilai-nilai murni | Berdikari, rajin, bekerjasama, berkomunikasi dengan baik. | |
Isi Pelajaran | Aktiviti P&P | Catatan |
1. Pengenalan Memberi pendedahan awal kepada murid | Set Induksi (5 minit)
| KBKK: Kemahiran berfikir secara kreatif dan kritis. |
2. Penerangan Alatan dan bahan jahitan serta kegunaannya. Alatan dan bahan jahitan yang biasa digunakan:
Kegunaannya (Rujuk lampiran 1) | Aktiviti-aktiviti: Langkah 1 (25 minit)
| BBM: Alatan dan bahan jahitan disediakan oleh guru Nilai: Kerjasama, berani KBKK: Berfikiran kreatif |
3. Memperkenalkan mata jahitan asas Antara mata jahitan asas:
2. Jahitan jelujur halus 3. Jahitan sembat 4. Jahitan lilit kemas 5. Jahitan lubang butang 6. Jahitan silang pangkah 7. Jahitan insang pari 8. Jahitan sembat susup | Langkah 2 (15 minit): 1. Guru memperkenalkan mata jahitan asas dengan menunjukkan sampel-sampel sebenar jahitan pada fabrik. 2. Murid melukis lakaran jahitan pada buku latihan dan menamakan jenis-jenis mata jahitan | BBM: Sampel mata jahitan disediakan oleh guru. Nilai: Koperatif KBKK: Berfikiran kreatif |
4. Penerangan kegunaan jahitan asas. | Langkah 3 (10 minit) 1. Guru menerangkan kegunaan mata jahitan asas untuk membaiki pakaian. | BBM: Buku teks KHB Tahun 5 |
5. Rumusan isi pelajaran. 1. Jenis dan bahan jahitan serta kegunaannya. 2. Jenis-jenis mata jahitan asas dan kegunaannya. | Penutup (5 minit) 1. Murid membuat rumsan dan mengimbas kembali tentang isi pelajaran 2. Murid disoal secara rawak tentang 3 jenis alatan dan bahan jahitan serta satu kegunaannya setiap satu alatan. 3. Murid disoal secara rawak tentang 2 jenis mata jahitan asas serta satu kegunaannya setiap satu. 4. Lembaran kerja diagihkan sebagai tugasan. | BBM:
Refleksi: | | |
Contoh Lesson Plan (Science Year 4 & 3)
Date: 18 September 2008
Time: 1205 – 1305
Class: 4 Khadijah
Number of pupils: 31
Subject: Science
Time required: 60 minutes
Learning Theme: Investigating Technology
Topic: 1. Technology (Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology)
Learning Objective: 1.4 analyzing that technology can benefit mankind if used wisely
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. States at least 2 each technologies advantages and disadvantages.
2. Concludes that technology can benefit mankind if used wisely (by guide).
Prior Knowledge: Pupils know from the previous lesson that technology is invented for the betterment of mankind.
Strategy: Technology (Microsoft PowerPoint), Discussion
Science Process and Thinking Skills:
¾ Observing
¾ Making conclusions
¾ Communicating
¾ Generating Ideas
¾ Comparing and Contrasting
¾ Relating
¾ Drawing conclusions
Scientific Attitudes and Nobles Values (SANV):
- Appreciating the contribution of science and technology.
- Realizing that science is a means to understand nature.
- Being thankful to God.
- Being cooperative.
- Being objective.
Teaching aids: Laptop, LCD, worksheets.
Phase/Time | Contents | Teaching and Learning activities / Scientific skills | Remarks |
Set Induction (7 minutes) | To revise their knowledge on previous lesson. | Teacher revises previous topic on Technology. Teacher asks; 1. How you come to the school? 2. Is it kind of technology? 3. How many minutes it take to come to school? 4. What if there is no technology for you to use, what do you use to come to school? 5. If that is so, how many minutes for your own opinion using method you’ve said before? 6. So, compare it with transportation that you use every day. Teacher tells pupils that they are going to learn analyzing that technology can benefit mankind if used wisely. | TS: Relating, Comparing SANV: Being objective. To see whether they understood previous lesson. |
Eliciting Ideas (±13 minutes) | To find out any alternative concepts among pupils | Teacher shows videos regarding on advantages and disadvantages of technology. Teacher ask;
Teacher says about disadvantages of technology generally. Teacher tells the pupils that they are going to discover advantages and disadvantages of technology. | AVA: Laptops, LCD, Microsoft PowerPoint SANV: Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. SPS & TS: Observing, Relating - Smoke emitted from the factory - Ozone depletation - Foresting of forest - Water pollution - War technology abusing - Health |
Development Idea (25 minute) | State at least 2 advantages and disadvantages. | Teacher asks the pupils to form 7 groups of 4(group already divided by teacher). Teacher asks pupils to cut the picture in appendix I and paste it on their own field (e.g. communications, transportation). Gives space at below of the picture and ask pupils to discuss and generates ideas of the advantages and disadvantages of technology that they know. Teacher may guide all the time process of discussion. Ask the pupils to put their work on the walls. Let them walk to each groups work. Teacher gives mark for each workgroup work. Teacher shows picture of people in war (from Microsoft PowerPoint). Teacher asks pupils,
Teacher concludes that technology have its advantages and disadvantages. It also has to use wisely so that all human can get benefit from it. We also should be thankful to God for gave an idea to develop a technology that we can use it nowadays. | AVA: Worksheet SPS & TS: Comparing and Contrasting, Generating Ideas, Communicating and drawing conclusions SANV: Being cooperative, Being thankful to God, Being objective |
Application of Ideas (10 minute) | To reinforce their understanding | Teacher asks the pupils to do exercise on unit 21 Kluster A+ exercise book. Both teacher and pupils will discuss the exercise together. | SPS: Communicating TS: Identifying, Matching SANV: Cooperative |
Closure (5 minute) | Recall and conclude today’s lesson | Pupils were asked what they have learnt for the day. Teachers sing a song “Technology” and ask pupils to sing along. Teacher conclude the lesson today by giving them reason why they must be thankful to Allah Mighty God because of Him, our Malaysian country still in peace resulting from using technology wisely. | SPS: Making conclusions SANV: Thankful to God, Realizing that science is a means to understand nature. |
Reflection | |
Ni plak lesson plan untuk year 3 science..akan datang..RPH B.Inggeris dan Kemahiran Hidup..
Date: 14 July 2008
Time: 1105 – 1205
Class: 3 Abu Bakar
Number of pupils: 31
Subject: Science
Time required: 60 minutes
Learning Theme: Learning about the World around us.
Topic: 5. Soil
Learning Objective: 5.1 Pupils should learn what soil made up of.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Label at least 3 of the soil’s layer.
2. Can differentiate between soil samples from different places.
Prior knowledge: Pupils know what soil is is.
Strategy: Experimenting
Science Process / Manipulative Skills and Thinking Skills:
¾ Observing
¾ Classifying
¾ Investigating
¾ Differentiate
Scientific Attitudes and Values:
- Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
- Realizing that science is a means to understand nature.
- Appreciating the balance of the nature
Learning aids and materials:
- Soils (Clay, garden soil, sand)
- Soils from school compound
- Bottles
- Small shovel
- Water
- Newspaper
- Flash Cards
Phase/Time | Contents | Teaching and Learning activities / Scientific skills | Remarks |
Set Induction (5 minutes) | What soil’s made up of? | Teacher shows picture of different types of soil. Teacher asks the pupils: a). What can you see from the picture? b). Can you touch/smell it? c). Where can you see it? d). What is the uses of the sample from the pictures? Teacher tells student that today they are going to learn soil. | SPS: Observing TS: Relating |
Eliciting Ideas (7 minutes) | To find out any alternative concepts among pupils | Teacher shows picture of soil on the writing board. Teacher asks the student to choose from the flash-cards to label the plant. Accept all the answer without pointing out the mistakes. Teacher asks;
Teacher tells the pupils that they are going to investigate what are the soils made up of. | SPS: Identifying, Differentiate, TS: Reading |
Restructuring Ideas (30 minutes) | Soils are made up from:
| Teacher divides pupils into 6 groups of 5. Each group is provided 2 bottle of mineral water, newspaper and small shovel (share with another group). Teacher asks the pupils to take soil in front of the class inside the plastic bottle. Each bottles must be fill in about 10 tea spoon. After that, ask pupils to fill in water and shake the mixture. Ask pupils to observe the layer of the mixture. Repeat the process again but change the soil mixtures that have been taken from different places. Ask them to observe it. Teacher asks; a) What can you see from the mixtures? b) How many layers can you see on the mixture? c) What is the first layer of the soil mixture? d) What is the last layer of the mixture? e) Are there any different between samples from 3 places? Teacher asks pupils to draw and label the soil mixtures that they observe. Pick representative to present their work. Teacher asks the student to fill in the blank the flash card accordingly to the layer that correctly according to the layer mixture. Teacher prepares all the materials including soils from the different part of the school compound (e.g. Soil from football field, besides the class and at the garden of the school compound). | SPS: Investigating, Relating Observing |
Application of Ideas (8 minutes) | | Give the student activity sheet regarding on this topic. Asks the pupils to discuss among their group and ask them to write the answer at the blackboard. | SPS: Discussing, Grouping, classifying and |
Closure (5 minutes) | Summary on the lesson | Teacher concludes the lesson by give the pupils mind maps regarding the layer of the soil.
Teacher gives exercise as pupil’s extra work. | |
Reflection | |
Assalamualaikum dan salam Sejahtera; ~Kadang-kadang kita ini merasakan masalah orang, Adalah masalah mereka. Dan paling-paling pun, bolehl...

أسلام عليكم ~Aktif semula. Setelah banyak berdiam diri, kuasa aktif itu bermula lagi. Alhamdulillah. Pagi ini ambil bacaan gula dal...
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semua guru yang dirahmati Allah s.w.t. Apa Khabar IMAN anda pada hari ini? Adakah berada tahap m...
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera aku ucapkan kepada mereka yang mengikuti blog aku. Hari ini aku terasa nak updatekan blog ni dengan meng...